The pilot project LNG at the Port of Skagen is now ready to be presented with a feasibility study and two reports that assess the possibilities and potential solutions of establishing and running an LNG fuelling operation on the port area. 

The two DUAL Ports partners GEMBA and the Port of Skagen have conducted three analysis as part of the Interreg North Sea Region project, DUAL Ports:

The feasibility study builds on the two reports, ‘LNG market overview’ and ‘Business cases for LNG on the Port of Skagen’.

The two first reports sets the scene and identify the potential; this feasibility study build on the most promising ideas and assess the feasibility of an LNG production at the Port of Skagen.

The feasibility of the LNG production in the Port of Skagen is described and assessed from the perspective of the current competition in the region. At this point some of the LNG providers in the region has made great investments in large bunker barges and has a large organisation to back their investments. Some of these competitors has entered the industry with a strategic purpose to be first movers and establish a dominant position in the market. Whether these operators run a profit in the short run or long run on their bunkering operations is not clear.

The backing of a large corporation and an acceptance of running an LNG fuelling operation with very low profit or by just covering the operational costs may also mean that such operators are willing to lower the LNG bunker price below a breakeven point if a threat of new entrants becomes high.

This dynamics in the LNG market situation may have a great impact on the profitability and hence feasibility of the entire LNG production at the Port of Skagen. This potential market dynamic may become a hindrance to the feasibility of LNG production at the Port of Skagen. This study takes some of these dynamics into account but acknowledge that the potentially fatal impact this may have on the project.

Watch the interview with an introduction to the port and its other pilot project SURFACE by Jesper Rulffs, business developer at the Port of Skagen.

Announcement from Greenpipe, August 31, 2021

At Greenpipe we are driven to develop and invent sustainable and green solutions. Therefore, we are proud to announce the next project to further contribute to future generations. The pilot project is looking to improve the possibility of producing renewable energy via floating solar panels using recycling plastic waste to build the floaters, thus working on the basis of a circular economy.

Within the project our established subsea cable protection, Snap Panzar™, will be incorporated to protect the power plant’s export cables.
The pilot project, which is a cooperation with the French start-up company HelioRec aim to revolutionize green electricity production, is financed with support from the Interreg North Sea Region Dual Ports programme – Developing Low carbon Utilities, Abilities and potential of regional entrepreneurial ports (10/11/2015-31/12/2021). Dual Ports is a €8,69m project, 50% co-funded by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg North Sea Region Programme, Eco-innovation priority.

At a first stage, the floating solar power plant of 10 kW will provide electricity to a warehouse in the Port Oostende, Belgium, where an old boat is being restored. This will minimize the use of the existing diesel generator and consequently 924 kgCO2eq. per year will be reduced. The floating solar power plant will be installed during October 2021.

The main parameters of the power plant will be assessed:
– Survivability in sea-conditions of power plant with Snap Panzar™ cable protection pipes
– System movement
– Energy production evaluation
– Hydrophobic additives assessment

With the future possibility to install floating solar power plants, we are looking to reduce CAPEX&OPEX of power plants to increase the efficiency of solar panels and save land space. For more info on DUAL Ports

Written by captain and builder of Lo entropy, Geoff Boerne

On the coast of the Port of Hundested in Denmark SV. Lo Entropy is feeling the sea for the first time in years after undergoing massive constructions and continuing to remodel her interior.

Our contracted goal as a partner in the Dual Ports project is to prove or disprove the feasibility (economically and operationally) of cargo transport under sail or wind power. In this regard, I am optimistic that we shall succeed now that there is an appetite for green EU transport.

I say this as having worked with the vessel SV Lo Entropy in developing economies; we survived when diesel was 18 US cents per litre, and even then, fossil fueled formal maritime transport was the exception. Simply as the economies we served could not afford modern shipping. It was a costly matter and as a result, transport continued despite the lack of modern maritime transport options; locally made vessels with some using engine, some sail, but all operated at extremely low costs due to their components on the whole been locally sourced, particularly the sailing vessels, which exceeded the need for modern shipping.

In the EU, we see our competition mainly as road transport, trucks and ferries, and to some extent short sea shipping. Our aim is to become a “sea truck”, carrying twice the tonnage and capacity of a normal legal EU truck at a lower cost, despite being low to zero CO2-emissions or green transport. Should we achieve this, and we believe we can, then we can reduce the dependency on road transport in some cases, and further, act as part of the supply chain in a multi modal transport scenario.

The benefits of achieving this goal could be many, as we would be offering possibilities for short sea transport as well as removing truck journeys from the road, creating maritime employment as well as utilizing small ports which will soon be gentrified if not offered an economically viable alternative to continue operating as a port.

The benefits of a fleet of small vessels sailing cargo around the coasts of Europe are many; economic, social and emissions massively reduced where they are utilized, which is a crucial and a desired alternative for cargo transport consumers; all of which could be spin off’s of our primary goal within the Dual Ports project.

However, in terms of CO2 emissions, we will not be completely zero, as we will still need engines for entering and leaving harbors, windless days and domestic operations, etc., which, although less than any other cargo transporter by quite a margin, is still not zero.  This is where the hydrogen concept and our secondary goal comes in.

Hydrogen produced while sailing

Hydrogen or a related carrier such as ammonia might well be the fuel of the future, but in our case, we see green hydrogen as an energy storage facility.

We have the means to make a lot of hydro renewable energy via our powerful free spinning propellor whilst we are using the wind to sail/propel our vessel; so much so that we do not have the capacity to store this energy in batteries without having to carry a vast number of batteries and so much that it would affect our sailing and cargo capacity abilities.

So, what we would like to do is, despite the energy losses in this type of energy transfer, use our onboard produced renewable energy (hydro, wind and solar) to make hydrogen, store it and use it via a fuel cell to create electricity to propel the vessel via the propellor when needed (entering and leaving port, e.g. when there is no wind to sail by) as well as for domestic onboard needs (e.g. winches, cooking, heating), thus making our operation truly zero emissions.

We believe that our hydrogen concept can play a small part, in tandem with other green maritime technologies, in forcing green change on the maritime transport industry via cost reductions. Our hypothesis is that we can make enough energy using our free spinning propellor whilst we are sailing to reach zero emission by using the wind for propulsion and this energy to produce hydrogen to be stored and then used for both propulsion and domestic needs.

There are already means to wind propel ships using ventifoils among others. Using such technologies, ships could produce their own hydrogen/ammonia whilst they are in favorable wind conditions. It might mean some routing changes, but that’s a planning issue and can easily be dealt with. This was shown in the loss of Suez Canal transits when oil prices dropped, and ships rerouted around the Cape Agulhas using more fuel and taking more time but still reducing cost.

The main factor here is that a ship producing and storing even 20% of its fuel can undercut a competitor if they will not do the same, and this cost reduction will force the change needed on this industry, rather than legislation.

To this end, we have invested in a hybrid drive, which allows us to be propelled by both a diesel engine as well as an electric motor. It has power take offs (PTO’s) for hydraulic pumps which we can use for steering, winches, etc. Most importantly, it allows for our free spinning propellor to power the PTO’s and the generator. The electric motor has a double function as it becomes a powerful generator when not used as a motor whilst under sail or when the diesel engine is been used.

Written by Dörte Nitt-Driesselmann and Jan Wedemeier, Hamburgisches WeltWirtschafts Institut (HWWI)

A large part of the European transport of goods takes place by ship. In order to be able to comply with international climate agreements, port facilities that provide the infrastructure for maritime activities must in future be operated more sustainably and with lower emissions. The prerequisites must be created in order to be able to reduce the local CO2 footprints at the respective locations.

Download the full article here

In 2019, 46% of the value of EU-28 exports and 56% of the value of EU-28 imports were shipped. Increasing global economic integration will lead to a further increase in sea trade. Without additional policy measures, emissions from international maritime transport are expected to increase by 23% by 2035 compared to 2015.

It is estimated that 2.5-3.6% of total global CO2 greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to shipping. The share in terms of global nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions is around 13-15%. Since ships are mainly operated with fossil fuels, they also emit other substances such as nitrogen oxides or particulate matter.

In 2011 the European Commission set out a roadmap with initiatives to improve mobility and reduce CO2 emissions in transport by 60% by 2050. In the shipping sector, emissions are to be reduced by at least 40%. In addition, a 50 percent shift of passenger and freight traffic over a medium distance from road to rail and waterway is planned. In 2015, the EU also adopted a strategy to gradually integrate marine emissions into EU policy. Since 2017, shipping companies have had to record relevant information on emissions resulting from shipping to and from ports and within the ports of the European Economic Area (EEA). The first emissions reports were due in 2019.

Ports are a crucial hub in the global transport chain. They must comply with the EU statutes for industrial infrastructure and companies and are operated in accordance with national regulations. There are currently no regulations of the EU Commission that explicitly deal with the CO2 footprint of ports or set savings targets to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions target by 2050.

In addition to the maritime infrastructure, ports also provide facilities for non-maritime activities such as power generation or industrial production at their locations. Formally and legally, however, a port is solely responsible for CO2 emissions inside and not for those outside the port area. Since the multi-functionality of the ports means that their effects on the local CO2 footprint cannot be limited to the port processes, the decarbonization of sustainable ports requires that green ports work in a resource-efficient and emission-saving manner in both mobile and stationary sources.

In addition to the large seaports, there are many smaller ports with regional economic importance in Europe. These ports face two specific challenges. On the one hand, the financial resources are often limited; on the other hand, they must be able to survive in competition among regional ports. This is usually done by specializing in special transports and project cargoes, the growth opportunities of which are favored by the increasing international division of labor and the corresponding realignment of value chains in entire industries.

One possibility for regional ports to develop innovatively is to position them as nodes for the consolidation of preliminary services and their possible final production. In this context, environmental issues are of great importance. Smaller ports have enormous development potential if they push ahead with the implementation of environmental protection measures.

Energy consumption in the form of fossil fuels is the main source of emissions in maritime transport. Replacing them with alternative, less emission-intensive energy sources offers the greatest potential for decarbonising maritime transport. But smaller regional, specialized ports can also make their contribution by working as green ports with both mobile and stationary emitters in a resource-efficient manner and operating intelligent management for this. Through suitable incentive systems, they can also contribute to reducing emissions outside their port area. For example, they can oblige providers of hinterland transport to comply with certain environmental requirements,

Ports have already taken significant sustainable development initiatives in recent years. Nevertheless, the challenges for fulfilling the climate agreement remain immense. It must be doubted whether the necessary decarbonization can be achieved through the current international CO2 trading system. The sectors involved must be expanded and the number of certificates traded must be reduced. As an accompanying measure, the introduction of a Pigou tax could also be considered. In order to set incentives for avoiding emissions, negative external effects for society resulting from economic activities are internalized and the polluter is taxed.

Download the full article here

Additional source

Back for its 4th edition, European Environmental Ports Conference 2021 will be taking place on the 16th & 17th June in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The event will bring together senior representatives from the global port community and shipping companies, as well as environmental policy-makers, academic experts, consultants, and technology providers, to tackle the most pressing topics of the maritime industry.

European Environmental Ports Conference 2021 will provide informative presentations on the very latest challenges, solutions and developments in reducing emissions, pollution and energy consumption, as well as discussing the possibilities of industrial collaboration and a more sustainable future

Given the increasing focus on environmental regulations from the IMO and policy makers in the maritime sector, there is a growing responsibility and requirement of ports to reduce their environmental impact; now is a crucial time to share best practices and explore new technologies and methodologies in order to advance daily operations of a port with minimal ecological consequences.

GEMBA Consulting will organize a hybrid partnership meeting with the possibility to meet in Hørsholm, Copenhagen. More information will follow.

With their second Sustainability Report, the port company Niedersachsen Ports (NPorts) is presenting the social, environmental, and future-oriented developments in the ports.

Press release: Oldenburg | April 7, 2021

NPorts would like to invite you to a virtual and digital harbor tour. At various stations within the port, employees and customers are introducing sustainable projects. How do you manage to keep the ports navigable with the help of natural resources? What is being done to remove plastic from our ports? What is NPorts doing to make the arrival registration for ships more digital? These and other exciting questions are answered on our stroll through the port. The Sustainability Report will also give you an insight into the focuses of the sustainable activities, and on how the ports have developed in terms of goal parameters and objectives. And it is evident that: Sustainable, innovative projects do go hand-in-hand with a healthy business development.

Find the full Sustainability Report here

Get a digital tour of the Sustainability Report

Charting the Course Towards Climate Neutrality (Carbon Neutrality) 

During the past years, NPorts has implemented a variety of measures in an effort to contribute to global climate protection. “Not only were we able to reduce our energy consumption dramatically, but also our CO2 emissions. We have already surpassed the halfway point towards our goal to reduce the climate gases by another 25% by 2025, and we are on the right track towards climate neutrality” explains Holger Banik, Managing Director of Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG and of JadeWeserPort Realisierungs GmbH & Co. KG. We owe this positive development for instance to the gradual conversion of the lighting to energy-efficient LED technology, the streamlining and updating of heating facilities under environmental aspects, and to the conversion of our fleet of vehicles to alternative fuels. Even the composition of the electricity providers has an impact on the positive climate footprint. NPorts sources almost exclusively eco- friendly electricity and even produces some of it themselves, with the help of photovoltaic systems.

Innovative Projects in Every Port

NPorts works on many digital innovations and eco-friendly projects for future scenarios in a site and country transcending manner. In Brake, we are applying the smart software solution “dashPORT” that streamlines, visualizes, and analyzes energy consumption at the port. When detecting high consumption values, the system derives commensurate measures to reduce them. The project “SmartKai” (SmartQuay) in Cuxhaven comprises the development of a digital mooring assistance system for pilots and captains for the avoidance of averages. In this concept, sensors installed on the quay walls transfer data, thus supporting the ships’ navigators in their port maneuvers.

The project “DUALPorts” features probes to find and gently remove and clean up contaminated sediments. A commensurate pilot trial, where contaminated sediments are targeted and aerated, is planned for this year.

The test phase for a lighting control system at the Norden branch that ensures that the ports are illuminated in a demand-driven way was a success. In addition, a second photovoltaic system was commissioned in Norddeich.

In Wilhelmshaven, we have now three of the so-called “Seabins” in service that skim debris and oil residues from the water. By 2025, 25 of these ‘garbage cans of the seas’ are slated to be installed in the ports owned by NPorts.

Sustainability: Strategically Envisioned and Systematically Implemented

NPorts’ Sustainability Strategy hafen+ should be understood as an added value strategy for people, environment, and for the economic performance. Sustainability starts already with the (potential) employees. NPorts is invested in the reconcilability of job and family, and since 2018, we have been certified as a family-friendly employer. In order to strengthen NPorts’ employer brand, we created a comprehensive Career Portal and a corporate blog (Hafenpost) last year. Nowadays, environmental, social, and business topics are firmly anchored in all areas of the ports. This can also be seen in the successful re-certification for the environmental management system PERS (Port Environmental Review System) and for the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 during the reporting period.

In collaboration with the work group Niedersächsische Seehäfen (Niedersachsen Seaports), NPorts develops outlook papers for the ports on a regular basis to ensure the economic performance for the future.

The publication of the report enabled NPorts to develop a Sustainability Portal.

Under you can find the Harbor Tour and additional information about NPorts’ Sustainability Management in digital form. There, you will also find the current report.

Your Contact To Us:

Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG Hindenburgstraße 26 – 30 | 26122 Oldenburg

T +49 (0) 441 35 020-310 | F +49 (0) 441 35 020-999 |

Niedersachsen Ports is owner and operator of five seaports, seven island supply ports, plus three regional ports along the Ge rman North Sea shore. The registered office of the company is in Oldenburg. Through the branch offices in Brake, Cuxhaven (with satellite location Stade), Emden and Wilhelmshaven, Niedersachsen Ports is managing the port infrastructure in the large seaports of the State o f Niedersachsen. In addition, the Norden branch operates the supply ports for the East Frisian Islands. This way, Niedersachsen Ports is able to offer a multitude of port locations from one single source.

Inland ports play an increasingly important role in the greening of Europe’s transport system. The envisioned modal shift from transport by road to waterways and railways in the coming years provides a valuable opportunity for the development of inland ports as circular green energy hubs. This webinar, organized by the Dutch provinces of Overijssel and Northern Netherlands, will highlight the important contribution of Small and Medium inland ports in the transition to a sustainable and circular mobility sector. Enhancing circularity will be beneficial for the people, business, and regions and cities. In particular circular initiatives combined with sustainable transport modes will contribute to economic benefits, climate neutrality, and will harness the potential of innovation. Combining the topics of circularity and transport is an unique opportunity to contribute to reaching objectives of the European Green Deal. Get inspired by the examples of circular frontrunners Port of Zwolle, Port of Oostende and Port of Hvide Sande and learn about the opportunities for SME’s! 

 WHEN: 26 MARCH, 9.30 – 11.00 | WHERE: ONLINE 

Register here!


9.30: Opening by Bert Boerman, regional Minister of Transport of Overijssel 

9.35: MEP Caroline Nagtegaal, Tran committee Vice-coordinator, Renew Europe 

9.45: Presentation by Janneke van Veen, DG RTD, European Commission 

9.55: Presentation by Turi Fiorito, Secretary-General European federation of Inland Ports 

10.05: Showcase Port of Zwolle by Jeroen van den Ende, Managing Director Port of Zwolle 

10.15: Showcase Port of Hvide Sande, Jens Henrik Møller, Partner at GEMBA Seafood Consulting 

10.25: Showcase Port of Oostende, Wim Stubbe, Business Development Manager Port of Oostende 

10.35: Reflection by MEP Soren Gade, TRAN committee, Renew Europe 

10.45: Q&A with the audience 

10.55: Closing remarks by Henk Brink, regional Minister of economy of Drenthe 

 *Moderation by Alex van Oost, Director of the Northern Innovation lab Circular Economy 

The very first cohort of seafarers to be trained to work on hydrogen powered vessels have been put through their paces on a new course in Orkney.

Five crew members from Orkney Ferries’ MV Shapinsay completed the course, equipping them with the necessary skills to work onboard the ferry when hydrogen, a zero-emission fuel, is used in the vessel’s system.

This follows on from an earlier course completed by the crew which focused solely on the handling of hydrogen as a cargo.

The new course, believed to be the first of its kind in the world, was developed and delivered in Orkney by Orkney College UHI’s Maritime Studies department in collaboration with Orkney Ferries and the European Marine Energy Centre.

Delivery of the course was supervised virtually by Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) assessors who have now recommended the course and content for official recognition.

The world-leading course is the latest milestone in the HyDIME project – an Innovate UK funded project that will integrate hydrogen storage onboard the ferry operating between Shapinsay and Kirkwall, and trial hydrogen as a fuel in one of the vessel’s auxiliary engines.

The four-day course covered a range of theoretical and practical aspects relating to the use of hydrogen fuel on board vessels. This included storage under pressure, safe working practice around hydrogen gas, refuelling (also known as a bunkering), firefighting as well as operational and safety management procedures specific to the hydrogen equipment installed on the MV Shapinsay.

The last day, dedicated to practical training, saw the cohort take part in several practice drills for hydrogen bunkering and fire safety. Each crew member completed a hydrogen bunkering simulation using the training rig facility owned and operated by EMEC at the Kirkwall Pier Fuel Cell with additional support from Northwards, a local haulage company experienced in hydrogen transportation.

Crew members were also trained in how to detect hydrogen fires which are almost invisible to the naked eye by using thermal imaging, as well as the very specific ways in which fires are fought when hydrogen is present.

The new training will be a requirement in UK waters for working on vessels using hydrogen as a fuel and is an addition to existing international requirements under the IGF code (International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels).

Commenting on the new course, Mark Shiner from the Maritime Studies Department of Orkney College UHI, said: “This has been a great piece of local teamwork between the Maritime Studies department, Orkney Ferries and EMEC.

“According to the Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association this is a world first and we have cause to be very proud of that indeed.

“We’ve received some very encouraging messages from hydrogen organisations at home and abroad and enquiries from other European hydrogen vessel projects who are considering using our training.

“There is huge potential in hydrogen training, not only for seafarers but maintenance technicians, heating engineers, automotive engineers and others. I am looking forward to Orkney College UHI taking this agenda forward, building on what we have done so far.”

Working with a wide variety of partners from the rest of Scotland, UK and Europe, Orkney is playing a pivotal role in the development of green hydrogen technologies through a variety of projects including HyDIME, Surf N Turf and BigHIT, which will help in meeting carbon reduction targets and supporting the further development of renewable energy technologies.

Councillor Graham Sinclair is Chair of Orkney Islands Council’s Development and Infrastructure Committee. He said: “Orkney has a proud history of leading the charge to find innovative solutions to meet our energy needs – and here we see Orkney leading the way again with the approval of the hydrogen training course.

“While it is impossible to look into the future with any certainty, Orkney will continue to influence the low carbon energy landscape of tomorrow by demonstrating that it is possible to deliver positive outcomes with technology that exists today.

“Key to Orkney’s success in the energy industry is the ability for the public and private sectors to bring knowledge and experience together locally to reach a shared goal – and this project is a great example of that. I congratulate all involved.”

Notes to editors

HyDIME is focused on the use of hydrogen as a fuel in marine transport. The project will also gain the necessary marine licences and regulatory approvals for hydrogen to be used as a fuel in a marine environment which will have a significant impact on future hydrogen marine projects across the rest of the UK.

Hydrogen can be produced by electrolysis of water (H2O) by using an electric current to split water into its component parts of Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2).  Production of ‘green’ hydrogen uses renewable energy to power to the electrolysis of water.

It is currently used for various applications such as chemical production, fertilisers for agriculture, rocket fuel and food production.

One of HyDIME’s goals is the design and physical integration of a hydrogen injection system on a commercial passenger and vehicle ferry which will be the first of its kind worldwide.

The hydrogen used in the HyDIME project will be cleanly produced from renewable energy. Excess energy generated from Orkney’s abundance of wind and tidal power will be used to produce hydrogen via electrolysis, resulting in carbon free, ’green’ hydrogen.

Looking to the future beyond the project, HyDIME will conduct a scale-up analysis, addressing key questions such as, “How much hydrogen and renewable energy would be required to fuel the Shapinsay ferry PLUS a fleet of hydrogen vehicles in Orkney?” and “Can this project be replicated in other areas of Scotland and the rest of the UK?”.

The HyDIME project will provide a stepping stone to accelerate and de-risk future hydrogen marine projects and will contribute towards growing the hydrogen economy in the UK.

More details –

Written by Wim Stubbe, Lead Partner of DUAL Ports for the DUAL Ports Newsletter, December 2020

2020 has been an inhuman year for entrepreneurs and artists. 2020 has been a dangerous year for fundamental human rights. Populists and politicians have been constantly looking for scapegoats, while they have walked their mink coats with the blessing of an invisible power. 2020 has been a champagne year for speculators, prophets of fake doom and managers. The worshipping of the Holy Umbrella and the instauration of a tsunami of paper procedures have been blossoming in the light of the drones that enlighten the empty streets of Europe.

2020 has been a tough year for transnational cooperation. The exchange of views and the in depth analyses have been replaced by the compressed video-platforms, whereby everyone could enjoy his/her 5 minutes of internet fame. Human interactions and open conversations were no longer an option. Socrates turns around in his grave, as well as Carl Jacobsen and his father Jacob Christian Jacobsen. The best ideas are still born on the bottom of a beer glass.

2020 has been a promising year for the energy transition. The European Commission has been constructing some of the foundations for greening our societies and industries. But presenting high ambitions is not enough. There will only be food on the table in the winter if the work at the fields can be done in the summer. The drive for innovation within our SME’s is very much present, but very fragile. And they need the financial and entrepreneurial support in order to pass the valley of death, as well as strong networks to test their products before entering their markets. The battle is not won. Networking has become a cyclocross track, where only bikes with one wheel are allowed. And the opposition from the global industries is fierce.

2020 has been a promising year for the recognition of the diversified role of the ports in the world of sustainability. Ports are no longer these fossil rocks, that have taken away a stretch of the beach, moving boxes from one side of Europe to the other side. Several policy documents of the European Commission underline the multifunctional role of the ports and the port communities today. Together with the shipowners and industrial partners, ports are not only organising the logistic operations, but they also play an active role in the energy transition. This can go from facilitating bunkering-operations for zero emission fuels, to the set-up of plants to produce these kind of fuels. Also in the fields of waste-treatment and circular economy, the ports play a prominent role. And finally, some ports take a leading role in the development of the blue industry.

Let’s put the tasty food and wines of 2020 in our backpacks before taking the road to 2021. Let’s work on the restitution of our human rights and duties. And let’s work on the reconstruction of our networks with an open and entrepreneurial mindset. The roads in 2021 will be steep and promising.

Wishing you all inspiring celebrations at the end of the year 2020 and a soft landing in 2021.

Wim Stubbe, Lead partner of DUAL Ports and Port of Oostende
T: +32 487 548 768 | E: