DUAL Ports created wide attention at the GoLNG Tour in April
In order to gain a broader network for the upcoming work on LNG, the Dual Ports were present at the 48 hours conference GoLNG Tour on board the Norwegian LNG ferry “Stavangerfjord”.
The conference featured nearly 100 participants from companies and businesses from the LNG Cluster in North Sea and the Baltic Sea. All the participants were there to demonstrate their vast knowledge, cutting edge technologies and newest innovations to the world.
Dual Ports hosted a reception on the conference second day and garnered huge attention. New connections were made and potential pilots to the DUAL Ports from stakeholders in Denmark, Norway and Germany were discussed.
In Denmark the news of the Port of Skagen commitment to LNG sparked the interest of the fishers’ present who are currently looking into LNG options for their upcoming new builds. In addition, Danish ship architects and ship builders also voiced their interest for the DUAL Ports project following the news of the Port of Skagen’s commitment to the project.
Potential investors for the LNG operations in Denmark were also uncovered through conversations with the Danish representatives present at the conference. The two trusts Inseroand Skagen Trustwhere pointed to as potential investors for the project.
In Norway the company Liquiline expressed a keen interest in providing the LNG solutions for both the Port of Skagen and the Port of Zwolle in order to expand the currently limited LNG Supply network in the SECA area.
In Germany the port of Rostock expressed an interest in joining the Dual Ports project, but also added that in addition to the goals set by DUAL Ports, they would also focus on how to reduce the noise levels in the port as this is a major environmental concern for the port administration.
In total the conference resulted in 29 new connections from various parts of the LNG supply chain, all of whom are interested and willing to help the DUAL Ports project in any way they can.