New exciting future for director of Business Vordingborg, Susanne Kruse Sørensen
A new opportunity has emerged for director of Business Vordingborg, Susanne Kruse Sørensen. After the summer, Susanne will fulfill Esbjerg Airport’s ambitions as their new airport manager (Denmark).
“There is great potential in further developing Esbjerg Airport, which arouses my interest. And it is, among other things, my work at Business Vordingborg that I will bring with me as I begin a new exciting chapter in my career,” says Susanne.
Business Vordingborg is Communication Officer of DUAL Ports. Susanne Sørensen and Josephine Petersen, Marketing Consultant at Business Vordingborg, are responsible for the communication task. After Susanne’s departure, Josephine will continue the work within DUAL Ports