Seaport of Emden Shedding New Light on a Rail Track Facility
Emden | 20. Februar 2019
The incandescent light bulb, traditional timer switches, and ON/OFF switches have all seen better days and are all but obsolete. Today’s lighting systems are smart and energy-efficient. That is exactly why Niedersachsen Ports has implemented an innovative lighting concept at the rail track area in the Port of Emden over the past months. Within the port, this track grouping is used to aid in the transshipment of motorized vehicles, for the shunting and switching, staging and parking, the loading and unloading of car carrier trains (Auto Train rail cars). The types of jobs to be performed, as well as the different areas in need of illumination, require individual lighting scenarios.
Smart Controls for Targeted Light Deployment
The smart control unit is the center piece of this new system. Motion sensors and light and track sensors capture the requirements for the individual situation. Remote-controlling the system is achieved through a web connection and provides light, wherever and whenever needed, and at the exactly required light intensity. When the tracks are idle, for instance, a medium illumination of five lux (~0.5 fc) is sufficient for jobs like general and site security. Shunting requires 15 lux (~1.4 fc), while any unloading operation requires an average light intensity of 30 lux (~2.8 fc). “We are structuring and aligning our ports in a modern and sustainable fashion. These goals are synergetic to each other, the lighting system is a great case in point for this” explains Holger Banik, Managing Director of Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG and of JadeWeserPort Realisierungs GmbH & Co. KG.
Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection
The lighting system is fitted with LED technology, resulting in lower operating and maintenance costs and an overall longer life of the lamps. The lower electricity consumption reduces the CO2 footprint of the port.
Holger Banik is convinced of the benefits: “The energy-saving LED technology, combined with the smart control system, provides a safer work environment in the rail track area. At the same time, we are able to curtail stray light emissions toward the surroundings”.
By mounting two LED lamps to guy wires between two masts each, we were able to ideally illuminate the alleyways between the trains. Since the inception of construction in the summer of 2018, a total of 14 lighting gantries and 11 single masts have been installed. After the masts were erected, the cabling was installed in the trusses and the system was programmed.
The track field illumination was implemented within the realm of the EU-INTERREG project DUAL Ports. The project DUAL Ports aims to collaborate with North Sea ports to create measures and strategies that make the ports more innovative and sustainable. An almost identical lighting project is being implemented at the Danish Port of Vordingborg, and the lighting project has entailed a new pilot project, that will explore the possibilities for smart security – lighting that will connect to port security systems, shedding light on unauthorized activities and adapting lights to different conditions in port operations. You can read more about the SMART SECURITY pilot here.