Sediment pilot: innovative removal of pollutants in sediment
Contaminated sediments are a major challenge for ports. In some parts of the port of Emden in Germany, the sediment is polluted with environmental pollutants. This prevents the use of water depth preservation measures and thus the long-term use of certain parts of the port. Therefore, the Sediment pilot within DUAL Ports is looking at an innovative and sustainable concept for the removal of pollutants in the sediment, in order to keep the port attractive to customers and maintain port operations there in the long term.
Within this pilot, a pollutant cadastre was developed in 2020, which provided information on the local pollutants. For this purpose, 17 deep boreholes were carried out from which a total of 62 samples were taken and analysed (the project area is in the area of the shipyard sites, see picture). The pollutant register is the basis for the development of innovative approaches within DUAL Ports. The aim is to clean up the sediments as locally as possible and, if necessary, make them usable e.g. in port construction. Students from Leibniz University are also involved in developing approaches together.
One pollutant is to be cleaned locally in a pilot test: TBT (tributyltin) which is an additive from anti-fouling paint degrades when in contact with oxygen. The test is planned for 2021 and is intended to provide information on the extent to which the large-scale degradation by aeration of the sediments is successful.
For more information please contact:
Matthäus Wuckowski, Sustainability Manager at Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG
T: +49 170 1644219 | E: