Workshop on Sediment Management in Ports

Scheduled Events

Tuesday, 29th of October 2019, Niedersachsen Ports and Groningen Seaports will host a workshop on Sediment Management in Ports. The workshop will take place at Groningen Seaports, Eemshaven (Netherlands).

Ports are important hubs for international freight distribution, they keep local economy turning and create direct or indirect job opportunities. In order to remain functional, accessible and efficient, a sediment management is an essential requirement in port maintenance.

The process of maintaining the depth of ports and waterways to make them navigable and safe for shipping is connected to a couple of challenges. What influence will future sediment movements have on ports? How can contaminated sediments be handled? How can the influence on the environment be reduced?

This workshop will focus on the challenges ports are facing in water depth preservation, the impacts of dredging activities on the environment and on more sustainable solutions. This venue will give some international good practices on effective and sustainable sediment management and will illustrate some running cooperation projects with a an added value for the regions and the ecosystem.

The workshop is organized with the INTERREG Projects DUAL Ports by Niedersachsen Ports together with Groningen Sea Ports.

Place of venue:
Groningen Seaports
Eemshaven (Netherlands)

You can read the invitation and preliminary program here.